Contact & FAQ

Write to us if you have any questions, suggestions, comments

Write to us


Your security and the confidentiality of your data are a priority for us. It is why we decided:
  • to require the creation of an account with a valid telephone number. Thus, if the account is carried forward, the person will not be able to create a new account as he could with a new email. Legal measures will be also easier to carry out to find the owner of a telephone number.
  • we built a system to report abuse against infringing accounts to our terms of use and our netiquette
  • we will develop an automatic detection system for abusive and spam messages.
  • your personal information is never shared: users communicate with your property and never see your phone number or other personal data.

Yelo has been launched since September 2021 in Montreal, QC.
Our mission is to connect and protect all your properties to build a safer world and help a caring community.

Write to us if you have other suggestions or bugs to fix. Your satisfaction is our priority.

We are looking for talented people who want to change the world:

Back-end developer (Laravel PHP, Firebase)
Front-end developer (Ionic or React)
UX/UI Designer

Email us if you want to join the team